Tax Return 2024
Slips & Information
Most commonly needed to prepare T1 Income Tax Returns for 2024
- Name, date of birth and SIN (Social Insurance Number).
- Mailing address with postal code and telephone number.
- Information about sale of principal residence in 2024.
- All Income Slips
- Information about any repayments of benefits related to Covid-19.
- Information about other income (babysitting, tips, casual employment, foreign, etc.)
- All medical receipts from year 2024 and 2023 unused in previous return.
- Transit receipts for seniors (65+).
- Cost of education (T2202): Universities, Colleges, Trade courses and Truck driving courses etc.
- Interest paid on Student loans.
- Cost of teaching supplies of eligible educators.
- Charitable donations receipts from the last 5 years, previously unclaimed.
- Information about property tax or rent paid last year (amounts, addresses, names of landlords).
- RRSP contributions and withdrawals: official slips for Income Tax Purposes.
- FHSA contributions and withdrawals: official slips for Income Tax Purposes,
- Childcare expenses receipts (for kids ages under 7 max $8,000, ages from 7 to 16 max $5,000). Receipts should include names, SINs, and signatures of babysitters.
- Individuals supporting spouses overseas need confirmations of sufficient financial support sent last year.
- Information about house purchase made in 2024 by first-time buyers and persons eligible for disability amount.
- Home accessibility expenses incured by a senior or a disabled person.
- To establish Direct Deposit for your refunds, federal and provincial credits and benefits, we need a void cheque or direct deposit information from the bank for the account to which refunds are to be transferred.
***We strongly recommend Direct Deposit*** - All Notices of Assessment or Reassessment received from the CRA last year.
- Self-employed persons, subcontractors or individuals with rental income should have totals of the following categories prepared for an appointment:
- revenue from each enterprise totaled separately
- separated expenses of each enterprise:
- purchases for resale, materials;
- supplies and tools;
- utilities (internet, telephone, etc.);
- subcontract expenses;
- office expenses and supplies;
- advertising, promotion (ads, gifts, etc.);
- meals and entertainment (restaurants, sport events etc.);
- cost of maintaining each vehicle used to earn income
(fuel, repairs, insurance, washes, parking, tolls); - copies of purchase or lease agreements of all capital outlays or investments (vehicles, equipment, real estate etc.);
- any letters, forms or correspondence from and to CRA and WSIB
- GST/HST return form
- Attention construction related businesses:
information about your subcontractors (names, BNs or SINs, addresses, and amounts paid during the year are required for the T5018 report).
- All other documents that may be related to your 2024 Income Tax Return.
Above list includes only most commonly required information and documents. Should you have questions regarding your situation, please call our office:
Important Dates
February 28
By this date all income information slips should be mailed to you (by employers, banks, investments companies etc.).
March 03
Deadline to make 2023 RRSP contributions.
March 31
By this date some of the investment income information slips should be mailed to you (T3, T5013, T5013A).
April 30
Deadline to file last year’s income tax return for most taxpayers, to avoid penalties and interest.
April 30
Deadline to pay tax owing for last year to avoid interest charges (including self-employed).
June 15
Deadline to file last year’s income tax return by self-employed individuals and their spouses to avoid penalties.
Canada Revenue Agency
For Federal Income Tax, GST/HST, Tax Benefits and Credits.
Government of Canada – Make a Payment
Government of Canada – My Account for Individuals
Government of Canada – My Business Account
Register for CRA accounts
Step-by-step instructions on how to register for various CRA accounts (“My CRA account – for individuals”, “My CRA business account – for business”).
FHSA – First Home Savings Account
For first-time home buyers.
Employment and Social Development Canada
For information concerning seniors, disability, retirement pensions, children and families.
Government of Canada
For broad spectrum of information about immigration, business, health, taxes and others.
Service Canada
For Programs and Services for you.
Ontario Ministry of Finance
For Ontario Corporate Tax, RST, EHT information.
Government of Ontario
For business name registration and related information.
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario
Ontario Ministry of Labour
For occupational health and safety, employment rights and responsibilities, and workplace standards information.